ODIN Engineering enters into innovation collaboration with Technical University of Denmark, DTU

The collaboration contributes new knowledge and research to ODIN’s development of customised machinery, and prepares the students for the real world.

ODIN has a long tradition of hiring engineering students for internships. We do this to give students the opportunity to work on real world challenges and to become wiser on the latest knowledge and research. On 27 September, the Technical University of Denmark launches a new concept for business collaborations, and it is a good opportunity to strengthen collaboration. Mads S. Rasmussen, CEO at ODIN Engineering says:

”ODIN already has good contact with the universities. We have experienced several times that the students’ projects create value for us while contributing to the student’s education and research. Therefore, I’m pleased that we’ll have the opportunity to expand our collaboration with DTU in the future.”

New knowledge and research are important for competitiveness

Zealand companies like ODIN already have the opportunity to collaborate with DTU students. With the new innovation collaborations, DTU proposes that engineering experts also participate in the collaboration. For example, companies can now offer concrete issues, challenges or development needs that can subsequently be solved in collaboration with both students, engineers and experts from DTU.

The purpose is to strengthen the innovation and competitiveness of the companies of Region Zealand, and for Mads S. Rasmussen, a more formalised collaboration with the university environment is the right way to the goal:

”As a developer of customised machinery and highly specialised solutions for the industry, we live by our clever heads and clever hands. In order to maintain competitiveness, we should not only be the fastest moped on the dock today but also tomorrow. Therefore, it is important that we are constantly open and seek the latest knowledge and research. The expanded collaboration with DTU is a very good tool for us.”

The collaboration prepares the student for the real world

At ODIN, we also expect to be able to give something in return. Our days are filled with challenges that you only meet when you enter the real world. With the DTU collaboration, we can prepare students for real life and keep the teachers updated:

”It is clearly my expectation that inspiration will go both ways. We see great value in the knowledge of the universities and I’m sure that the university environment can benefit from our practical experiences with the challenges in real life,” says Mads S. Rasmussen continuing:

”The closer the teachers are connected to real life, the better they will be to teach the students what they need to know when they enter the real world. I’m convinced that the collaboration will create value on both sides of the fence.”

In order to contribute to the dialogue on how to create innovation, development and growth in the future, ODIN Engineering participates together with the companies Greens Engros and Viminco in the panel discussion at the launch of DTU’s innovation collaborations on September 27 at Gyldenholm Gods, Slagelse.

Read more about the event


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