At ODIN Engineering, we believe that we and our world become better when we demonstrate social responsibility. That is why we are involved in a number of CSR projects which, in various ways, make a difference in Denmark and in the local area of Slagelse.
The Danish Cancer Society (Kræftens Bekæmpelse)
Via a business membership, ODIN Engineering supports the Danish Cancer Society’s work on combatting cancer through research, information and advice.
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The Danish Muscular Dystrophy Foundation (Muskelsvindfonden)
Through our sponsorship of the magazine Muskelkraft, ODIN Engineering supports the Danish Muscular Dystrophy Foundation’s work to ensure that people with muscular dystrophy can live an active life and take part in society.
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ODIN Engineering supports Interforce’s work to improve conditions for people who have both military and civil obligations.
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Slagelse Concert Hall (Slagelse Musikhus)
Since 2018 ,ODIN Engineering has been a part of the business owners’ fund behind Slagelse Concert Hall.
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